About Us
The Egyptian Chemical Society
The Egyptian Chemical Society (ECS) is the eldest scientific society in Egypt. It is a non-profit, nongovernmental organization that was founded in 1928. It is a member of the Union of Arab Chemists.
It aims at:
- Creation of a scientific environment and strengthening links between chemists in the country.
- Improving teaching and learning skills and professional practice in the field of chemistry
Since the declaration of ECS in 1928, its scientific activity has been long-standing and is demonstrated by many undertakings. The ECS was first registered by the Ministry of Social Affairs according to the law of NGOs No. 149/1945. It was later declared three times until 1964 under No. 584/1946. The objectives of ECS were later settled according to the recent Egyptian low of NGOs No. 84/2002.
1.The Egyptian Journal of Chemistry, which began in the late fifties (1958), was an edition in which original research in different fields of chemistry could be published. The journal is an abstracted, reviewed, and regular journal that now appears bimonthly and serves as a medium to disseminate scientific information and findings for Egyptians and other chemists.
Recently, the Egyptian Journal of Chemistry, a multidisciplinary chemistry journal, is a peer-reviewed international journal, an open-access journal, edited by the Egyptian Chemical Society, and published bimonthly by the National Information and Documentation Centre (NIDOC).
2.Manuscripts that truly define the aims of the journal include the fields of analytical, inorganic, organic, physical chemistry, applied and materials chemistry, as well as all other branches of chemistry and its sub-disciplines like pharmaceutical, textile, environmental chemistry, biochemistry, polymer chemistry, petroleum chemistry, and agricultural chemistry, etc.
It is indexed and abstracted by Scopus.
The journal homepage is
www.egy-chem-soc.org/ ejchem.journals.ekb.eg/
3.Organizing workshops, seminars, and conferences on chemistry to allow chemists at universities, scientific research centers, and industrial sectors to present their research results and, in the meantime, discuss subjects of common interest.
4.Arrangement of scientific lectures in chemistry and scientific meetings related to the role of chemistry and chemists in development.
5.Making scientific visits to industrial centers everywhere in the country to bring chemists from different sectors together..